The feeling of connection and internal expansion allows me to be able to dream bigger, become more, and expand my vision. This is the power of finding the right partner, but it is also the power of finding the right supportive group. And this is actually why we created the Leverage for Growth Alliance Mastermind for our marketing and PR agency clients on their journey from 6 to 7 figures. And we wanted our clients to have a tribe of people and that they can be open and honest with, that hold them to a higher version of themselves, that help them learn vicariously through others, and leverage each other and collectively grow.

Episode 16: Find a Supportive Partner
Show Notes
Episode Transcript
00:00:03:17 – 00:00:28:22
You are now listening to Leverage for Growth. Everybody, this is Jesse Gilmore, founder of Niche in Control and creator of Leverage for Growth. Welcome to the Daily Leverage Edition. Today’s topic is this. Find a supportive partner. Sit back, relax, and welcome to today’s Daily Leverage. So this morning I was doing my morning routine of working out and sending daily notes to my wife and kids to show them appreciation, love and honor.
00:00:29:12 – 00:00:56:19
And then I walked for two miles on a treadmill before going upstairs to do yoga with my wife. She is in her second trimester with our third child. And so we did a yoga session that was for pregnant women. As I use the opportunity to stretch, what I was really after was connecting with my wife, understanding that I would not be the man that I am today without a supportive partner supporting in more ways than simply doing stuff for each other, supportive.
00:00:56:19 – 00:01:19:13
No matter what she accepts me for who I am and who I am becoming. And we’re willing to co-create together a life and a business and a family by design. This partnership allows me to lean into the challenges, the transformation, the struggles and the successes together. I am grateful every day for the opportunity to connect with her and co-create in this life.
00:01:19:13 – 00:01:50:20
The feeling of connection and internal expansion allows me to be able to dream bigger, become more, expand my vision and understand my role in her life and vice versa. This is the power of finding the right partner, but it is also the power of finding the right supportive group. Whether you have a partner or are married or dating or single, or just simply want to do your own thing, you need a trusted partner or a tribe that like pulls the potential out of you.
00:01:51:12 – 00:02:15:02
And this is actually why we created the Leverage for Growth Alliance Mastermind for our marketing and PR agency clients on their journey from 6 to 7 figures. And we wanted our clients to have a tribe of people and that they can be open and honest with that, hold them to a higher version of themselves that help them learn vicariously through others and leverage each other and collectively grow.
New members always comments that they realize that now that they are not alone. So business and life is a team sport, and with the right partner or tribe, you have the support needed to level up. So why is this important? Many times as entrepreneurs, we tend to think that our experience is unique or that we are different, that we must go on this entrepreneurial journey alone.
00:02:41:03 – 00:03:03:10
All this really does is it slows you down, your potential to rise to the next level and become who you aspire to be. Whether that means that you find and develop a strong relationship with your spouse or someone that could become a spouse or find a supportive tribe of people on a similar journey that you can leverage and collaborate as you rise together, or a combination of both.
In order for you to achieve your goals that you’ve set out for yourself, especially if they are big ones, you must develop a strong connection with others to see beyond your mere blind spots, to see the potential within you and to allow you to be who you have been called to become without limits. Now, let’s. Let’s go into the daily leverage.
So where in your world, whether in your life, relationships or business, have you been playing the solo game thinking that in order to achieve the goals, you must do it alone, as in your life with your health and body? Is it in your life with your spirituality or self-direction? Is it in your relationships with your spouse partner, or kids?
00:03:47:00 – 00:04:06:23
Is it in your business, finances or team? And once you’ve located where you’ve been kind of in a silo and you know what could change for you? My question is this. What are you willing and able to do about it today? That is the end of the daily leverage. This is Jesse Gilmore. And you’ve been listening to the Leverage for Growth podcast.
00:04:07:10 – 00:05:40:01
I’ll see you in the next episode.
Thanks for joining me on the Leverage for Growth podcast. I believe in you and your capabilities. I hope you spend the rest of your day feeling inspired. But keep in mind that inspiration is fuel to propel you into action. If you do not take action towards your own growth and the growth of your business, then that inspirational fuel that you’re feeling is wasted.
Put your ideas into action by joining me in the next live event. It’s online. Go to We have events every other week and we cover all sorts of topics that will grow your business when you put them into action. So these events are for you to put that inspiration and creativity into practical action to grow your business. I would love to see you there.
Go to That is See you there!
At Niche in Control, we unlock your potential within you and your agency through the development of you as a leader. You step forth to discover the potential you have always had. We help you with clarity of vision, strategies coming from a place of competence, operational systems to develop consistent client results, retention, pricing and packaging to differentiate you from the rest of the market and finding, developing and managing the right team to support you in the realization of your vision. Stop playing small. Rise to your potential. Your time is now. Can you feel it?
Melanie Sommer
I’ve gotten more time, more clarity and more money.