Breaking limiting beliefs can actually be the greatest gift that you can give to others. The key to accomplishing the impossible is to simply know what you want, be open and honest with yourself and others about where you are today. Get into the facts more. A lot of people hold back and are not transparent or not authentic about where they are. And it ends up really just hurting them. You need to just be open and honest with yourself in the facts and then open up to the commitment to getting what you want. You have to be committed. And then you start to put time, energy, attention, intention into becoming the person that gets you what you want. And lastly, you must commit to doing whatever is required for as long as required until you achieve your goal. And that is how you make the impossible possible.
Episode 17: From Impossible to Possible
Show Notes
Episode Transcript
00:00:04:09 – 00:00:33:23
You are now listening to Leverage for Growth. Everybody, this is Jesse P Gilmore, founder of Niche in Control and creator of Leverage for Growth. Welcome to the Daily Leverage edition. Today’s topic is this: from impossible to possible. Sit back, relax and welcome to today’s Daily Leverage. So this morning I was doing my morning routine of running as I train for the completion of two full marathons this year, and I became aware of something that has been occurring this week at the time of this recording.
00:00:33:23 – 00:01:03:17
I am in the middle of a week of writing the first draft of the Leverage for Growth book. Writing the leverage for growth book was one of my impossible games for being this year. I have a series of 16 impossible games that I’m committed to accomplishing this year, four impossible games and body for impossible games, and being in spirituality for impossible games for balance and family and relationships, and four impossible games for business.
00:01:04:13 – 00:01:28:10
Each of them having this being like a focus of mine this year and really making it to where I can accomplish them in each category. And as I do so, I am moving my entire life into abundance and having it all. Writing this book has been a transformation of myself, and through writing the book, I’m realizing this is actually
00:01:28:10 – 00:01:48:01
for me. it’s for me to transform. It’s for me to remember where I came from. It’s for me to step into the man that I aspire to be. It’s for me to become the person I am called become, and in doing so, transforming the lives of thousands of entrepreneurs through sharing my story and my gifts with the world.
00:01:48:12 – 00:02:16:19
No pressure, right? And in this process of taking what could have taken a whole entire year to write a book and starting to transform and time back to work on it, delegating work effectively to my team, coordinating and scheduling around my intention of getting this first draft completed by the end of the week. I’m starting to make the impossible possible in an audiobook that I was listening to on my run.
00:02:16:19 – 00:02:38:13
Russell talks about how breaking limiting beliefs can actually be the greatest gift that you can give to others. And then he goes on to talk about the story of the four minute mile for what seemed to be impossible for mankind to run a mile in 4 minutes was broken once, and then once it was broken, many more have joined in and breaking the record.
00:02:38:13 – 00:03:05:11
And now there are over 1400 runners that have run a mile in under 4 minutes. And what I’m hoping that you are getting from hearing my story and following this journey of transformation is that anything is possible, that you can be who you are called to become. And when you focus on becoming the person you aspire to be, you transform your life and the lives of others.
00:03:06:06 – 00:03:33:20
So why is this important? Many times as entrepreneurs, we look at others and compare ourselves to the stories that we hear. We start to make mental judgments about our own capability and whether we are able to accomplish the same thing. And in doing so, we begin to limit our own capacity and capability through putting limits and limitations on what we are able to achieve.
00:03:34:12 – 00:03:54:18
And when you start to try, when you have this limiting belief and you fail, it justifies that limiting belief and you end up giving up. And this is how we have been conditioned to try new things. When and then when the cycle kind of happens, you begin to question self-worth in your own ability to become a quote unquote success.
00:03:55:11 – 00:04:22:19
The key is to simply know what you want, be open and honest with yourself and others about where you are today. Get into the facts no more. And like, you know, like a lot of people, like, hold back or like are not transparent or not authentic about where they are. And it ends up really just hurting them. And you need to just be open and honest with yourself in the facts and then open up to the commitment to getting what you want.
00:04:23:02 – 00:04:48:04
You have to be committed. And then you start to put time, energy, attention, intention into becoming the person that gets you what you want. And lastly, you must commit to doing whatever is required for as long as required until you achieve your goal. And that is how you make the impossible possible. Now it’s time for the data leverage.
00:04:48:19 – 00:05:13:06
So where in your world, whether in your life or business, have you been comparing yourself to others and their perceived accomplishments and then starting to prejudge your own capability before getting into action? Is it in your life with your health and body? Is it in your life with your spirituality or self-direction? Is it in your relationships with your spouse, partner, or kids?
00:05:13:22 – 00:05:37:08
Is it in your business, finances or team? And once you have located where you’ve been limiting your own capability before taking action and you are committed to changing this for yourself, ask yourself this What are you willing and able to do about it today? That is the end of daily leverage. This is Jesse Gilmore and you’ve been listening to Leverage for Growth podcast.
00:05:37:22 – 00:07:10:15
Jesse P Gilmore
Thanks for joining me on the Leverage for Growth podcast. I believe in you and your capabilities. I hope you spend the rest of your day feeling inspired. But keep in mind that inspiration is fuel to propel you into action. If you do not take action towards your own growth and the growth of your business, then that inspirational fuel that you’re feeling is wasted.
Put your ideas into action by joining me in the next live event. It’s online. Go to We have events every other week and we cover all sorts of topics that will grow your business when you put them into action. So these events are for you to put that inspiration and creativity into practical action to grow your business. I would love to see you there.
Go to That is See you there!
At Niche in Control, we unlock your potential within you and your agency through the development of you as a leader. You step forth to discover the potential you have always had. We help you with clarity of vision, strategies coming from a place of competence, operational systems to develop consistent client results, retention, pricing and packaging to differentiate you from the rest of the market and finding, developing and managing the right team to support you in the realization of your vision. Stop playing small. Rise to your potential. Your time is now. Can you feel it?
Melanie Sommer
I’ve gotten more time, more clarity and more money.