In this episode of the Leverage for Growth podcast, Jesse Gilmore discusses the importance of habits in determining success. He distinguishes between productive and unproductive habits and suggests categorizing daily habits to assess which are helpful or hindering. Gilmore also highlights the importance of understanding what triggers unproductive habits and taking action to shift them. He encourages you to focus on developing productive habits to achieve their goals and unlock their potential.
Episode 78: Successful Habits
Show Notes
Episode Transcript
You are now listening to Leverage for Growth. Hey, everybody. This is Jesse P. Gilmore, founder of Niche in Control and creator of Leverage for Growth. Welcome to the Daily Leverage Edition. Today’s topic is this, successful habits. Sit back, relax, and welcome to today’s Daily Leverage. So today, I’m going to talk about habits. So what are the biggest differentiators between successful people and unsuccessful people is based around what habits they have on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Habits are the routines that are ingrained into what is considered to be normal to the person. These can be categorized as both productive habits and unproductive habits. Productive habits are habits or routines that simply allow you to get more of what you actually want. Unproductive habits are habits that take you away from what you actually want. So the key to understanding good habits comes down to the understanding of, first off, what do you actually want? and being very clear on what you actually want. Not what you don’t want, but in actuality, the desired outcome that you’re wanting. From this understanding of what you want, it is easier to assess where you are today and the habits that you have on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual basis. Categorizing and listing out these habits of a typical day for, you know, in the life of you, this allows you to categorize the habits into ones that are helping you get more of what you want, which are productive habits, and habits that are taking you away from what you want, unproductive habits. If you’re having a hard time figuring out, like, kind of like a brainstorm and which habits you need to list out, use the framework of body, being, balance, business. Body is your health, fitness, your fuel, your nutrition. Being is your spirituality or memoirs or journaling, meditation, your spiritual practice. Balance is your relationships with your spouse, partner, kids, or meaningful relationships. And then business is subject knowledge and finances, team, systems, optics, process, advertising, marketing, sales, fulfillment. And when you understand which habits are productive and which habits are unproductive in getting what you want, what you need to do is very simply do more of what the productive habits are, getting more of what you want and less of the unproductive productive habits. Now, unproductive habits can be eliminated, they can be automated, they can be delegated or shifted. And when you’re switching a habit from unproductive to productive, you have to understand the trigger of what is causing the unproductive habit in order for you to change. And what do you do when that trigger happens? Triggering events can include things like anger, rage, irritation, disappointment, boredom, guilt, shame, self-doubt, But it also can be triggering events that are seemingly positive, like happiness, exciting, you know, gratefulness. And these triggering events start a reaction, a cause and a reaction. It’s the law of the cause and effect. And as humans, we have space in between the stimulus or the cause of the event and the reaction to the event as well. And creating space between your stimulus and response is how we regain control of habits that lead us towards more of what we want. So why is this important? Success is determined by the things that we don’t see. When we find somebody that is successful, and it seems as though it was an overnight success, we are led to believe that success is based around external circumstances. So when, in actuality, people’s success is determined by what they do when people are not looking. It is based around the habits that the person has. These habits fuel mindset. Mindset fuels thoughts and beliefs and actions. And when we take massive action towards the beliefs that we’re cultivating, we are reinforcing a mental feedback loop. As mental feedback loops can either build you up or break you down. And when you start doing this, where you’re focused on the productive habits, you’re basically allowing yourself to be built up and accomplish the things that you want. And the more that you realize that your character, your personality, who you are, is moldable, adaptable, and can be by design, the less you feel like you’re a victim to circumstance. So it’s important to focus on habits. Now it is time for the daily leverage. So where in your world, whether in your life or business, have you been unconsciously having unproductive habits that are taking you away from what you want? Is it in your life with your health and body? Is it in your life with your spirituality or self-direction? Is your relationships with your spouse, partner, or kids? Is your business, finances, or team? And once you’ve located where you’ve not been aware of these unproductive habits that are taking you away from what you want, and you know what you need to change, my question to you is this. What are you willing and able to do about it today? That is the end of Daily Leverage. This is Jesse P. Gilmore. You’ve been listening to the Leverage for Growth podcast. If you’re enjoying these Daily Leverage and agency leverage episodes, make sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify now.