Leverage for Growth Podcast

Episode 125: Unlocking the Great in Your Good

Episode Date:Jul 27, 2023

The Leverage for Growth podcast explores how to unlock greatness based on research into good versus great companies. Learn to apply hedgehog thinking – passion, economic engine, capabilities – in health, relationships, professional growth and business for intense focus and diligence.

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You are now listening to Leverage for Growth. Hey, everybody. This is Jesse P. Gilmore, founder of Niche in Control and creator of Leverage for Growth. Welcome to the Daily Leverage Edition. Today’s topic is this, Beyond the Ordinary, Unlocking the Great in Your Good. Sit back, relax, and welcome to today’s Daily Leverage. So we all want great health, relationships, fulfillment, and business success. But moving from good to truly phenomenal performance requires something special. Groundbreaking research by Jim Collins revealed key differentiators between good companies and great ones. Let’s apply these principles to level up beyond ordinary. In his book, Good to Great, Collins analyzed companies that made the leap to outperform markets by huge margins. And his key finding? Greatness stems from three intersecting elements. Passion. Economic Engine. and capabilities. Companies excel by focusing tightly on this hedgehog concept. Collins found that great companies adopt a focused, disciplined approach within their hedgehog concept, rejecting growth that distracts them from their core strengths. They also maintain humility, shunning larger-than-life leaders. And pursuing greatness over glory, they are allows them to fly under the radar and then soar. Beyond every leap from good to great is a level five leader, exhibiting modesty and intense professional will. By setting up others for success, crediting the team, and instilling a culture of excellence, these special leaders create an environment where greatness can flourish. These concepts extend beyond business. We can imply the same diligence. through developing our skills, deepening our relationships, improving our health, and achieving the ambitious goals. Focus your time and energy where you have natural talent and passion. Consider how good to great thinking applies to health, doubling down on nutrition and fitness to reach new levels of vitality. Professional growth, intense focus and practice to become world-class in your field. Relationships. dedicated investment to enrich connections, and business, ruthless focus on your hedgehog concept. So take some time to identify areas of your life that are good but could be great. Define your hedgehog concept in each. What specifically and realistically would it take to achieve greatness? Jot down habits, mindsets, and actions required. As Collins found, Greatness doesn’t happen by accident. It requires clarity, focus, and diligence. But the payoff for unlocking your potential is immense. It is time to define your hedgehog concept and do the work to achieve greatness. You got this.