The Leverage for Growth podcast explores how solutions can be right in front of us – tools, people, simple habits. Tunnel vision, distractions and overthinking cause us to overlook them. Pivot perspective to leverage what you already have.
Episode 146: The Answer You Seek Might Be Right In Front Of You
Show Notes
Episode Transcript
Jesse (00:03.51)
You are now listening to Leverage for Growth. Hey everybody, this is Jesse P. Gilmore, founder of Niche in Control and creator of Leverage for Growth. Welcome to the Daily Leverage Edition. Today’s topic is this, the answer you seek might be right in front of you. Sit back, relax, and welcome to today’s Daily Leverage. Often in our lives, we find ourselves in a seemingly endless cycle of searching. Searching for happiness, searching for success, for the next big idea to catapult our business to new heights.
We spend countless hours, energy, resources on this relentless quest, often overlooking the obvious. Today, we’re gonna dive into the topic and the concept of how the very thing that you’re tirelessly seeking might be right under your nose. So why do we overlook the obvious? There are four main reasons. Number one is tunnel vision. We get so focused on one path or one solution,
that we fail to see alternatives even when they’re completely obvious. Number two is external distractions. The constant bombardment of information, opportunities, and advice can cloud our judgment, making it difficult to see the clarity right in front of us. Number three is overthinking. We often believe that complex problems require complex solutions, dismissing simpler options without giving them due consideration.
And number four is fear of the familiar. Sometimes we believe that what we already know can’t be the answer, because if it were, wouldn’t we have realized it already? Now this happened to me this morning. In a simple example, I was looking for a pan to make eggs for breakfast. I looked in the sink, in the dishwasher, the cabinets, and anywhere else that it would be, and couldn’t find it. I was getting frustrated, and I was about to use a different pan, and I realized that it was in the sink, where I had looked.
but I just didn’t see it. It’s a simple example, but it shows that many times the thing that we are looking for is actually right in front of us. Now consider your agency or business pursuits. Think about that major challenge that you’re grappling with or that milestone that you’re aiming for. Is it possible that the strategies, tools, or connections that you need are already accessible to you? The partnership you’re seeking might be with a colleague you’ve known for years.
Jesse (02:28.502)
The innovation that you’re trying to invent might be a twist on a product you’ve had for a while. Now it is time for reflective activity. I’d like you to grab a piece of paper or if you’re more digital, you can open up a note-taking app and just write down a challenge or goal that you’re currently facing. Now under it, without thinking too much or editing yourself, jot down the first five things that come to mind related to this challenge.
Review what you’ve written, and among these thoughts or resources, could there be an overlooked solution or pathway? Now it’s time for the daily leverage. So where in your world, whether in your life or business, have you been overlooking the solutions or resources right in front of you? Is it in your life with your health and body, perhaps a simple habit or routine that you’ve dismissed? Is it in your life with your spirituality or self-direction? Maybe a book or a lesson you’ve heard repeatedly, but never heeded?
Is it in your relationships with your spouse, partner, or kids? An advice or gesture that you’ve consistently ignored? Or is it in your business, finances, or team? Could it be a tool, a person, or strategy that you have been underestimating? And when you’ve pinpointed where you might be overlooking and you know what you need to change, my question to you is this. What are you willing and able to do about it today?
That is the end of the Daily Leverage. This is Jesse P. Gilmore. You’ve been listening to Leverage for Growth podcast. If you’re enjoying these Daily Leverage and agency leverage episodes, make sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify now. And thanks for tuning in to Leverage for Growth. Remember that sometimes the most profound answers aren’t hidden in the distance, but are right in front of us, waiting to be seen. Stay curious, stay observant, and always be ready to leverage for growth.