Today’s topic is to get uncomfortable in order to grow. The topic centers around the house in order for you to grow as a person and your company you need to get uncomfortable and purposely try to break your own systems.
We are consciously choosing to open up our leverage for growth agency episodes and bring in more podcast episodes then we originally thought. It is an effort to as much value to the agency community as possible.
By interviewing agency owners and asking them questions about lessons learned on their journey to where they are today so that others can leverage those lessons and be able to improve their own life and business as an agency owner.
This means that we are partnering up with a podcast partner to help with some of the interviews.
This means that we will be able to serve the community better by having me get uncomfortable and grow into the CEO of Niche in control that I have envisioned.
That sometimes means getting out of my own way, or removing obstacles or constraints based around what I am doing in the business.
Thanks for joining me on the Leverage for Growth podcast. I believe in you and your capabilities. I hope you spend the rest of your day feeling inspired. But keep in mind that inspiration is fuel to propel you into action. If you do not take action towards your own growth and the growth of your business, then that inspirational fuel that you’re feeling is wasted.
Put your ideas into action by joining me in the next live event. It’s online. Go to We have events every other week and we cover all sorts of topics that will grow your business when you put them into action. So these events are for you to put that inspiration and creativity into practical action to grow your business. I would love to see you there.
Go to That is See you there!
At Niche in Control, we unlock your potential within you and your agency through the development of you as a leader. You step forth to discover the potential you have always had. We help you with clarity of vision, strategies coming from a place of competence, operational systems to develop consistent client results, retention, pricing and packaging to differentiate you from the rest of the market and finding, developing and managing the right team to support you in the realization of your vision. Stop playing small. Rise to your potential. Your time is now. Can you feel it?
Melanie Sommer:
I’ve gotten more time, more clarity and more money.